Click here to view the OLD Book O' Love. Please visit the New Book O' Love at the bottom of this page :) (It's Way Cooler!)
Book O' Love (Old Testament)
Lookin for that special someone? Won't find that Bitch Ass Ho here!!! But hey... You can try by leaving a message for them in the Book O' Love! Simply type a message into the little white box to the Band or to the certain someone you met at a show and maybe that Mofo or Mofo "et" will type something back!
"Hehe yeah... Right..."

The new Guest book is up since the other one decided to shit out on us!!! Muhaha. You should like this one alot better though :) Hopefully I'll be able to get the old book back up for viewing purposes! If you are familiar with EZBoard then youknow how it works. Have Fun and Don't Hold Back! :)
Book O' Love (New Testament)
New settings on the book should make it easier for you slackers ;)