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Show Pics 9-21-01

Book O' Love

Link Deez Baby

Mofo You

Things that make you go HMMM

Free Ass Bird's


Waterfall Pics

Gross Stuff


Gonna be a cool links page for you mofo's

Nate Dog's Page This is My buddy Nate Dog's Page! He plays a pretty mean Guitar and has some catchy shizzit! So check it out and leave him a Message!

MiseryHead Kick ass Jax Band who also made it onto the Native Noise CD!
Native Noise No longer! It's dead! Sum Bitch!

DNS ENTRY Local Electronic Terrorists Extrodinare! If your more into the Electronic scene and are lookin' for somethin' a little different you have to check this out! Best classified as, "Experimental Electronic."

BLAIN!!!!!! Yet another Kickass Local band that is well on thier way to Stardom!!! Signed and have a CD available on there Website! And if you ask nice they might sign it for you ;-D

Check out this site for more Pics of us and other local bands!!!